Novozaslav Castle is an architectural complex, built up between the 16th and the 18th century. It stands in connection with the founding of the city of Novy Zaslav by the Zaslavsky princes in the last quarter of the 16th century. It is located on the cape at the confluence of the river Ponory to the river Goryn. The castle was expanded and renewed several times. In the 17th century, it was a complex of stone and wooden buildings surrounded by a developed defense system. At the same time, a two-story brick house was built on the site of the castle - the palace of the Zaslavsky princes. Novozaslav Castle suffered significantly during the military events of Khmelnytsky region, and later the Northern War (1700-1721). Pavel Karl Sangushko, the new owner of the castle, carried out the reconstruction of the building between 1720-45. The castle consists of two two-story buildings, the north-western corners of which are supported by powerful buttresses. The western façade of the Novozaslav Palace is divided into planes and accentuated by vertical rusted bands of the three-axis middle part, which barely protrudes beyond the façade, and two side facades. The middle part of the western façade was crowned with a pediment with risers and belted with a cornice of complex cross section. The building once was covered with a hip roof. The Novozaslav Palace was included in a new architectural ensemble after the construction of the Palace of the Sangushki Princes in 1754-1770.
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