Church of the Holy Trinity and the Assumption of the Virgin in Svirzh

Церква Святої Трійці та Успіння Богородиці, Kirche der Heiligen Dreifaltigkeit und Mariä Himmelfahrt in Swirsch

Fachsicht(en): Kulturlandschaftspflege, Denkmalpflege, Architekturgeschichte
Koordinate WGS84 49° 39′ 3,4″ N: 24° 26′ 7,24″ O 49,65095°N: 24,43535°O
Koordinate UTM 35.314.881,32 m: 5.502.980,93 m
Koordinate Gauss/Krüger 8.531.668,01 m: 5.501.653,03 m
  • Church of the Holy Trinity and the Assumption of the Virgin in Svirzh (2021)

    Church of the Holy Trinity and the Assumption of the Virgin in Svirzh (2021)

    Mokh, Romana
    Romana Mokh
    Anklicken öffnet eine größere Vorschau in Galerieansicht
Near Svirzh Castle the ancient renaissance church is located. It was founded by the Svirsky brothers in 1546. An older, wooden church existed on that place before today’s church was built. The exact building time of the wooden church is unknown. In 1566 the first parish school in Svirzh operated on the basis of the church. In the eighteenth century there existed a separate Svirzh deanery, which subordinated ten parishes. The fraternity also operated at the same time.
During the Second World War the church survived a big fire in Svirzh, that desroyed the castle and the building was not looted afterwards. Liturgical silver utensils were stolen from the church in 1943. In October 1945, the Poles left Svirzh, taking altarpieces, liturgical utensils, the clothes of priests, and some figures of saints with them. The church was closed and in the 1950s its interior was damaged by a fire set by students of the tractor school located in the castle. The walls were restored and two years later a warehouse was set up in the church. The church building was handed over to the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church in 1994. The church was consecrated as the Church of the Holy Trinity and the Assumption of the Virgin.

(Romana Mokh, Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2021)

Church of the Holy Trinity and the Assumption of the Virgin in Svirzh

81225 Svirzh
Gesetzlich geschütztes Kulturdenkmal
Kulturlandschaftspflege, Denkmalpflege, Architekturgeschichte
i.d.R. 1:5.000 (größer als 1:20.000)
Historischer Zeitraum
Beginn 1546

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„Church of the Holy Trinity and the Assumption of the Virgin in Svirzh”. In: KuLaDig, Kultur.Landschaft.Digital. URL: (Abgerufen: 3. Oktober 2024)