Monument to Jan Kilinski in Stryiskyi Park in Lviv

Denkmal zu Ehren Jan Kilinskis im Stryiskyi Park in Lemberg

Fachsicht(en): Denkmalpflege
Koordinate WGS84 49° 49′ 34,82″ N: 24° 01′ 44,94″ O 49,82634°N: 24,02915°O
Koordinate UTM 35.286.337,84 m: 5.523.556,79 m
Koordinate Gauss/Krüger 8.502.327,53 m: 5.521.070,01 m
  • Monument to Jan Kilinski in Stryiskyi Park in Lviv (2022)

    Monument to Jan Kilinski in Stryiskyi Park in Lviv (2022)

    Daria Slipchuk
    Daria Slipchuk
    Anklicken öffnet eine größere Vorschau in Galerieansicht
  • Monument to Jan Kilinski between 1900 and 1914

    Monument to Jan Kilinski between 1900 and 1914

    Urheber unbekannt / Ihor Kotlobulatov
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  • Monument to Jan Kilinski in Stryiskyi Park in Lviv (2022)

    Monument to Jan Kilinski in Stryiskyi Park in Lviv (2022)

    Daria Slipchuk
    Daria Slipchuk
    Anklicken öffnet eine größere Vorschau in Galerieansicht
  • Monument to Jan Kilinski in Stryiskyi Park in Lviv

    Monument to Jan Kilinski in Stryiskyi Park in Lviv

    Maryana Senkiv
    Maryana Senkiv
    Anklicken öffnet eine größere Vorschau in Galerieansicht
Shortly after the creation of Stryiskyi Park in 1887, the Lviv City Council began to consider the construction of a monument to Jan Kilinski (1760-1819) in Lviv, one of the heroic participants in the uprising led by Tadeusz Kosciuszko (1746-1817). After some thought, the site of the monument was the newly created Stryj Park, which was officially named Kilinsky Park. A collection of donations was announced, and in 1893 the famous Lviv sculptor Yulian Markovsky (1846-1903), together with Hryhoriy Kuznevych (1871-1948), began carving a sculpture from a block of white stone specially brought from Mykolayiv on the Dnister. In the spring of 1895 the work was completed and transferred to the ownership of the city. However, it was not possible to install the sculpture at the previously agreed place, as work on the foundation and pedestal was delayed. Because of this, the grand opening was postponed several times. Finally, on June 18, 1895, the monument was erected without a grand opening. An inscription on the monument: „Jan Kilinski, a shoemaker from Warsaw and a colonel of the Polish army since 1794 from the people of Lviv“.

About the monument to Kilinsky and its history
Jan Kilinski was a Warsaw cobbler who took part in the 1794 uprising led by Tadeusz Kosciuszko(1746-1817). He was later named a colonel of the Mazowieckie police (milicja mazowiecka).
The initiative to install the monument originated among Lviv artisans. In particular, in 1888, the committee of artisans appealed to the deputy of the Galician Sejm and the State Council in Vienna, Piotr Gross (1818-1895), with a request to assist in the installation of a monument to Jan Kilinsky. As a result, an art commission was created, which included architects and influential city officials: Julian Zachariewicz (1837-1898), Juliusy Hochberger (1840-1905), Walewski, Janowski, Andrzej Golab (1837-1903) and Geppe. In the same year, the commission members reviewed the project proposed by Julian Zakharievich and entrusted its implementation to the famous sculptor Julian Markowski (1846-1903). In it, Kilinsky is depicted in full growth, dressed in kuntush, with a sword in one hand and a standard in the other. The four-meter figure was supposed to stand on a six-meter pedestal and be surrounded by flower beds. A place for a monument between gazebos, near the restaurant from where you could enjoy a view of „the whole park and then the mound (Kopiec) and Stryi gostinets“. Funds for the monument were collected by „craft corporations“, and part of them were invested from the city budget. The monument committee headed by Piotr gross included in particular: Edvard Mochnacki, Stanislaw Nemczynowski (1839-1924), Glodzinski, Walichiewicz, Michal Michalski (1846-1907), Swisterski, Klossowski, Marianski), Aleksandrowicz, Szydlowski, Piatkowski, and others. Production of the monument was delayed for years, and it was completed in 1895. A year earlier, Lviv hosted a general regional exhibition dedicated to the centenary of the uprising led by Kosciuszko. In the upper part of the park, near the exhibition pavilions, a rotunda house was built to exhibit a panorama of the Battle of Ratslavitsy, in which Kilinsky participated. A monument to the colonel was erected on the lower alley of the park in 1895, and since then the park has become known as Kilinsky Park. The monument has been preserved to this day: due to the social aspect of Kilinsky's biography, it was not dismantled by the Soviet administration of Lviv. In 2008-2009, the monument was restored on the initiative of the Polish society for the guardianship of monuments.

Internet sources Monument to Kilinski between 1900 and 1914

(Daria Slipchuk, Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2022. This object was created during the Russo-Ukrainian War in April/May 2022)

Monument to Jan Kilinski in Stryiskyi Park in Lviv

Straße / Hausnummer
Street Stryjska 15
79011 Lviv
Gesetzlich geschütztes Kulturdenkmal
i.d.R. 1:5.000 (größer als 1:20.000)
Literaturauswertung, Geländebegehung/-kartierung
Historischer Zeitraum
Beginn 1895

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„Monument to Jan Kilinski in Stryiskyi Park in Lviv”. In: KuLaDig, Kultur.Landschaft.Digital. URL: (Abgerufen: 27. Juli 2024)